
原名:Z   又名:大风暴(港) / Z先生 / 一桩政治凶杀案的剖析

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:23

本片讲述在军事政权创独裁体制的南欧某国(影射希腊),反对政府的在野党领袖Z先生在一次演讲中遭人暗杀,政府当局公布是意外车祸而死,对这理由不能置信的人们强烈要求查明真相。从Z先生的同事那儿打听到种种迹象的检察官决定抵抗政治压力追查到底,终于发现这是一宗有计划的政治谋杀,并牵扯出许多政界的大人物。可是后来牵涉这件命案的人不是被流放就是被处以徒刑或是被杀。加斯华凭借此片一举成名,并开启了政治黑幕片的新风暴。In a mid-sized metropolis (population 500,000) in a right-wing military led country, a pacifist organization, which supports the opposition party in the government, is planning on holding an anti-military, nuclear disarmament rally. The organization's charismatic leader - the deputy - is scheduled to arrive in the town from the capital the day of the rally. Beyond the problems arranging the rally due to the probable incitement of violence at such a rally, the organization learns of an unconfirmed report that there will be an attempt on the deputy's life. The rally does happen, after which a three-wheeled kamikaze runs over the deputy, who eventually passes away from his injuries. The official report is that the incident was a drunken accident. In reality, the deputy's death was murder orchestrated by the secret police, the general for who likens the pacifist organization to mildew killing off agricultural crops. A magistrate is assigned to the case. Although he does have political views, he is more interested in finding out the truth, and as such has to wade through the political rhetoric and politically motivated testimony he hears. Thrown into the mix is a photojournalist who too is looking for the truth, as it, he believes, will make a great front page story.
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