
原名:髑髏城の七人   又名:Seven Souls in the Skull Castle

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:52

「劇団☆新感線」の演劇を映画館で上映する人気シリーズ「ゲキ×シネ」の第10弾で、2011年8~10月に大阪と東京で行われた同劇団の代表作「髑髏城の七人」の公演を劇場用に映像化した。天正18年、かつて織田信長に仕えた天魔王は、髑髏城に潜む武装集団「関東髑髏党」とともに、天下統一に向け動く豊臣秀吉に抗っていた。血で血を洗う争いが繰り広げられるなか、天魔王の野望を知った捨之介は、わずか7人で2万の軍勢を誇る髑髏城を攻め落とすことを決意する。捨之助に小栗旬、天魔王に森山未來ほか、早乙女太一、小池栄子、勝地涼、仲里依紗ら旬の若手俳優が多数出演。Time is 1590(Tensho 18 in the Japanese era). After the demise of warlord Nobunaga ODA, Japan was about to be unified by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI. However, there was one man in Kanto region that was defiant to it. That man, who named himself TenmaOh (Mirai MORIYAMA) and leads the KANTO DOKURO-TO, an armed group hiding in the pitch-black DOKURO-JO (skull castle), once worked for NOBUNAGA. Sutenosuke (Shun OGURI) happens to rescue a woman who has been chased by the KANTO DOKURO-TO, which was headed by the bloodthirsty madman TenmaOh. To hide and shelter the woman, Sutenosuke meets MUKAIYA RANBE (Taichi SAOTOME) at a brothel district. Manipulated by magical fate, people start to congregate in the Kanto region. When the shared past between Sutenosuke and RANBE, and the relation to TenmaOh come to light, it is also the time when the dark ambition of TenmaOh is about to be revealed. Without regrets, Sutenosuke heads for the DOKURO-JO, which is surrounded by 20,000 soldiers, to destroy it and stop ...
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