
原名:Wild Waves   又名:狂暴的波浪

状态:4播放   更新:2023-09-03 12:09:01

安静祥和的海边,米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)正站在高凳上举行个人的演奏会,他弹着吉他载歌载舞,海豹、海鸥等小动物是他忠实的听众。不远处的更衣间,美丽的米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)一边换泳装一边唱歌,她身着时尚的泳衣来到海边,没曾想竟被巨浪卷入大海之中。米奇听到米妮的呼救时,那个可人早已被卷入大海中央。米奇找来一只小舟,而小舟却漏了底。万般无奈,我们的英雄只能徒手向大海中央游去。经过一番努力,他终于将米妮带上了岸。   米妮受到惊吓,放声大哭。为了安抚这个受伤的精灵,米奇再次唱起欢快的歌曲……At the beach, Minnie is swept out to sea by a wave (while still wearing her high heels!). Mickey struggles with a rowboat (taken from atop an amorous couple) before swimming out to save her. When Minnie comes ashore, she is disoriented and depressed, so Mickey and the various creatures on the shore (pelicans, a walrus, seals, etc.) do a little song and dance to cheer her up.
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