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状态:59播放   更新:2023-06-17 05:06:58

Judith 是一位苦苦挣扎的艺术家,她得到了梦寐以求的工作,为一位名叫 Roberta Roslyn 的著名视觉艺术家工作。在对罗伯塔的作品进行编目时,她震惊地看到一个与自己非常相似的女孩,她得知这个女孩实际上是她老板失踪的女儿麦迪。当她调查这个女孩可能发生的事情的奥秘时,她主演...Judith, a struggling artist, gets her dream job of working for a renowned visual artist named Roberta Roslyn. While cataloging Roberta's work she is shocked to keep seeing a girl who closely resembles herself, she learns that this girl is actually her boss's missing daughter Maddy. As she investigates the mystery of just what could have happened to this girl, she starts to develop a new persona and it comes to a point where she must decide if she is to leave her job or continue and risk losing who she is.
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