该片主要聚焦布兰妮与父亲的关系,她希望自由的努力:2008年开始,布兰妮的父亲杰米·斯皮尔斯取得了对她的监管权,即她从财务到各个方面都在父亲的控制之下。去年11月,布兰妮要求取消父亲对自己监管的官司失败,她的律师对法官表示:“我的客户告知我:她害怕她的父亲,如果他保有监管权,她不会再次登上舞台表演。”Britney Spears hasn't been able to fully live her own life for 13 years, stuck in a court-sanctioned conservatorship. A new documentary by The New York Times examines what the public might not know about the pop star's court battle with her father for control of her estate. It also explores the fervent fan base that is convinced Spears should be liberated from the conservatorship, and re-examines the media's handling of one of the biggest pop stars of all time.
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