
原名:一天   又名:One Day

状态:3播放   更新:2023-09-03 12:09:30

镜头跟随着一位上了年纪的老人,一同沿着迷蒙的山路慢慢行走。他背着一个袋子,或是背着一袋大米、一捆木材、一大桶水。拍摄者在白天、晚上和深夜,与这位老人一同穿过清新的春天,跋涉过阴冷的冬天。   柔和的灰绿作底色,和无言的沉默背景,让这部作品呈现出一种别样的感觉——当你在观看时,能感受到另一个空间逐渐被打开,你能听到风的声音、人的脚步声、鸟的声音。观众在这样的视角中有足够的时间思考画面所跟随的这个人到底是谁?他要去哪里?他的生活究竟是什么样的?只有在他路途的最后,我们才对他有了更多的了解。We follow a man walking along a misty mountain path in China. In one shot he carries a bag; in others he carries sacks of rice, or timber, or large buckets of water. The seasons change as we walk with him, through the bleakness of the winter, or on a fresh spring morning. There is time to wonder who the man is, where he is going, and what his life is like.
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