
原名:白色月光   又名:Goodbye, My Lover

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:12

张一(宋佳 饰)和张鑫(喻恩泰 饰)是一对结婚多年的夫妻,张一是高级建筑师,为了支持妻子的工作,在张一怀孕之后,张鑫甘愿辞职回归家庭,成为了一名家庭煮夫,对于丈夫为家庭做出的牺牲,张一心怀感激,所以在多年之后,当张鑫决定重新回归职场开始创业之际,张一不惜抵押了自己的房产,来表示对于丈夫的支持。   哪知道张鑫遇人不淑,不仅投资失败,还被人设计骗走了股份,直到这时,张一依然坚定的站在丈夫的身边,直到她发现,原来丈夫一直和自己的朋友杨雁(刘敏涛 饰)有着背德的关系,张一崩溃了。当她整理好心情准备带着女儿离开张鑫,回到父母身边之际,张一发现自己又怀孕了。Power couple Zhang Yi and Zhang Xin are the envy of everyone in the field of architecture. After Zhang Yi became pregnant, Zhang Xin offers to resign and become a househusband. Years have passed and their daughter Xiao Xiao is now five years old. On the surface, Zhang Yi's career is on the rise and her family is a happy home. However, she never imagined that she was actually living in a cesspool of lies.
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