
原名:Nurse Sherri   又名:Hospital of Terror

状态:292播放   更新:2023-09-03 06:09:34

一个疯狂的巫术师在复活尸体时突然发生意外而猝死,但其冤魂却化成了恶灵飘荡在存放他遗体的医院中,并使这里的护士着魔成为任由摆布的活死人。护士长塔拉和其男朋友通过灵媒发现这一可怕的事情后决定亲自将它摆平……   此片作为一部刑房式电影来说质量平平,没有太跌宕起伏的剧情和过于血腥的画面,甚至有种故弄玄虚的感觉。但这是影星Jill Jacobson的起点作品,虽然有点平淡,不过此后她在星际迷航和猛鬼街中都有了出色的表现…Horror movie about a demented professor of the occult, whose soul jumps into the curvaceous body of Nurse Sherri (Jill Jacobson) shortly before he dies on the operating table. The possessed lady in white then begins stalking, seducing and kill people - even her boyfriend - until someone puts an end to the madness.
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