
原名:我的莫格利男孩   又名:My Mogli Boy

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:52

一次意外,潮牌工作室负责人凌煕误将生活在森林的莫格利带回城市,并因工作室的营销需求不得不留下莫格利。一个森林小子和一个城市女孩的相处生活就此开始,两人经历了来自家庭、事业、社会等各方面的考验,从互看不顺眼到后来渐渐建立起了独一无二的亲密关系。莫格利在凌煕身上学到了现代生活技能与做人道理,而凌煕在莫格利身上学到了极简主义环保理念,以及一些动物的处事哲学。两人小到不用一次性筷子,垃圾分类,大到阻止吃野味,阻止滥伐森林树木。美好的感情在滋生,默契的两人携手面对,不仅共同解决了危机,还完成了互相拯救与成长。A romance begins between Mo Ge Li boy from the jungle and his muse when she accidentally introduces him to civilization. Mo Ge Li is a boy from the jungle who was raised by the forest caretaker, Grandpa Lin. Mo Ge Li played with jungle creatures growing up until one day, an independent, career woman mistakenly takes him to the city. Ling Xi wanted to return him back to the forest right away but she couldn't help but allow him to stay for work reasons. Living under one roof, Mo Ge Li and Ling Xi start to develop a unique relationship. He learns the ways of the world with Ling Xi's help and acts as a bridge bringing her and the people around him closer to nature.
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