来自世界各地的六人,个个都是各自领域的佼佼者。他们之所以被选中,不单是因为能力出众,还在于其独特的志向:他们想抹杀自己的过去以改变未来。一位神秘的领袖(瑞恩·雷诺兹饰)将他们召集到一起组成了这个团队,他毕生唯一的使命就是确保即使他和自己的同伴会被遗忘,但也要让人们永远铭记他们所做的一切。What's the best part of being dead? It isn't escaping your boss, your ex, or even erasing your criminal record. The best part about being dead...is the freedom. The freedom to fight the injustice and evil that lurk in our world without anyone or anything to slow you down or tell you "no." 6 Underground introduces a new kind of action hero. Six individuals from all around the globe, each the very best at what they do, have been chosen not only for their skill, but for a unique desire to delete their pasts to change the future. The team is brought together by an enigmatic leader (Ryan Reynolds), whose sole mission in life is to ensure that, while he and his fellow operatives will never be remembered, their actions damn sure will.
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