
原名:Buybust   又名:反毒奇花(港) / 扫毒打黑

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-03 06:09:35

菲律宾火爆动作片,由菲律宾大导演埃里克·马蒂执导,曾执导过《末日杀神》,《敌魔修行》,《贪婪的代价》等优秀作品。从预告看,各种巷战,各种血肉模糊。女主与穷凶极恶的毒贩斗恶,结局只能你死我活,在最危险最封闭复杂的贫民窟中,上演暴力交响曲!女主强悍,帅呆After surviving the slaughter of her entire squad in a drug raid compromised by dirty cops, anti-narcotics special operative Nina Manigan (Anne Curtis), is eager to go head-to-head with the drug cartels that hold a bloody grip on Manila. But when her new mission in the city's most dangerous slum goes south, the angry civilians turn on her squad. Trapped between a brutal drug gang and hordes of bloodthirsty citizens, their only option is to fight their way out, turning one claustrophobic street at a time into a symphony of apocalyptic violence.
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