
原名:三千鸦杀   又名:Love of Thousand Years

状态:第30集   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:37

该剧根据十四郎同名畅销小说改编,主要讲述了骊国公主燕燕(蒋依依饰)在国破家亡之后,改头换面来到香取山,以覃川(赵露思饰)之名找寻上古灵灯,誓要解救天下百姓。而早在她不知道的时候,上仙傅九云(郑业成饰)已守候了她千年,更将为她的理想舍身成全。A story about a forbidden romance that has weathered ten lifetimes and endured a thousand years of waiting. Set in the ancient era, Zuo Xiang, an official from the Great Yan, colludes with the enemy and causes the demise of his own kingdom. Fu Jiuyun (Zheng Yecheng) rescues the Yan princess from harm. After witnessing her people being enslaved, the princess now known as Qin Chuan (Zhao Lusi) makes a vow to save them as she embarks on a search for the spiritual lamp. Qin Chuan and Fu Jiuyun fall in love, but they soon discover that Fu Jiuyun is the lampwick needed to ignite the spiritual lamp and that he will disappear along with the person who lights the lamp. Can they willingly embrace their fates?
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