
原名:忘憂草   又名:爱的童话 / A Girl Without Sorrow

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-03 05:09:09

剧情:   沈韵白是个勤劳的女孩子,每日时间排满,兼职多份,晚间还去上课;但她为人乐知天命,外号「忘忧草」。舒哺之有心追求韵白,知道她最不欣赏家里有钱的人,哺之遂假扮穷画家和他交往,又故意在她面前和妹妹歌之亲热,试探她对自己的感情,以知道韵白已经爱上他。   “忘忧草”是女主角的外号,由于她勤奋乐观,虽整天忙着打工赚钱给弟弟作医药费,仍然笑口常开,因而得名。脱离温拿五虎而独挑大梁的谭咏麟,在本片中的造型和表现都相当可爱。   评价:本片人物的性格鲜明可爱,笑料的编排亦算自然,加上全片节奏轻快流畅,因而组合成一部颇对年轻观众胃口的娱乐片,是典型的白景瑞爱情喜剧。The son of a wealthy business man (Alan Tam) sees Yun-Bai (Lin Feng-Jiao) at an art exhibition for the very first time and falls in love with her. Soon he finds out that Yun-Bai doesn't like men who are lazy and who don't have to do anything for their money. Xiao-Zhi (Alan Tam) wants to do whatever he has to do to get this wonderful girl and is lying to her that he's a poor artist. Yun-Bai falls in love with him and now he want to reveal his real identity. But how can he do it without losing her again?
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