
原名:พี่มากพระโขนง   又名:吓鬼阿嫂(港) / 凄厉人妻(台) / 鬼妻的丈夫 / 鬼丈夫 / Pee Mak Phra Khanong / Pee Mak Phrakanong

状态:正片   更新:2024-03-15 11:03:58

曼谷王朝战争期间,抱持着对妻子小奈以及即将出世孩子的思念,小小麦闯过血雨腥风的战场,总算和战友小特、老普、阿信以及阿艾熬到了退伍的那一天。历经千辛万苦,小小麦和伙伴们终于回到老家,然而村中清冷的景象却让众人颇为诧异。幸运的是他见到了妻子,夫妻久别重逢,执手相看泪眼竟无语凝噎。欢喜之余,小小麦更热情地留好哥们在家中居住。到了次日,其余四人赶集玩耍,谁知竟意外听说小奈早已难产的流言。那么他们前一日所看到的究竟是谁?当晚,阿艾来到小小麦的家中,不幸证实了听说的一切。他们该如何从女鬼手中救出自己的好兄弟呢?   本片根据泰国著名民间传说改编。Mak served in the war during the beginning of the Rattanakosin Dynasty. At war he became friends with Ter, Puak, Shin, and Aey, whose lives he saved. Once the war was over, Mak invited his four friends into his home in Phra Khanong town and introduced them to his beautiful wife Nak and his newborn baby boy Dang. A rumor was going around in the village that Nak had died giving birth to her stillborn baby, Dang. The source of this rumour; Aunty Priak, owner of local liquor store was found dead floating on the river a few days later. The four friends felt it's time to tell Mak the possibility of Nak and Dang could be dead and lingered as haunting ghosts and risk their lives. It's up to Mak to choose love or reality.
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