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一道极强的亮光,将分处五大洲的8个人带到了一片未知所在。他们身背降落伞从高空坠落,继而落入一望无边的雨林。这群人中有车臣部队战士、以色列国防军、墨西哥特种部队成员、FBI通缉的要犯、日本黑帮稻川会头目以及一名与其他人格格不入的医生。他们彼此互不相识,也不知道为何被带到了这片陌生丛林。在罗伊斯(阿德连·布隆迪 Adrien Brody 饰)的带领下,众人开始朝制高点进发,最终发现他们竟然置身在一颗外星球中。与此同时,凶猛邪恶的猛兽接连向他们袭来,罗伊斯意识到,他们不过是一群外星生物选出的猎物,而这片雨林正是外星人的狩猎场。   危机四伏,这些无所依靠的人类不得不去面对身形巨大、嗜好杀戮的铁血战士……The mercenary Royce; the military Isabelle; the Russian soldier Nikolai; the San Quentin criminal Stans; the Sierra Leone militia Mombasa; the drug lord Cuchillo; the Yakuza Hanzo; and the Doctor Edwin awake in free fall but they succeed to open their parachutes landing in a jungle. Soon they find that they are on another planet and they are prey of aliens in a deadly hunting game, and they need to join forces to destroy their predators and survive.
Predators ITA ENG DTS BDRip 1080p X264 ZMachine

资源名:Predators ITA ENG DTS BDRip 1080p X264 ZMachine


文件大小:8.29 GB


资源名:Predators ITA ENG DTS BDRip 1080p X264 ZMachine



  • www.pianbtt.com.txt(20B)
  • Predators.ITA.ENG.DTS.BDRip.1080p.X264_ZMachine.mkv(8.29 GB)