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本片为2001年在《猫狗大战》的续集。   故事发生在距离上一次猫咪和狗狗的大战已经过去了数年之后。来之不易的和平再一次受到威胁。这次的敌人可不是上一部中的笨蛋,它可是原猫咪间谍组织“喵”(MEOWS)的顶级特工,名为Kitty Galore。它顺利地窃取到了狗狗组织的核心机密,并且为了报复狗狗组织和人类,它设计了一个恐怖而毒辣的计划意图控制全世界!在面对这样一个迫在眉睫且前所未有的致命威胁的紧要关头,猫与狗在万不得已的情况下,只能被迫选择结成同盟——这还是这两种生物历史上的第一次,在这个由一只猫所制造的浩劫当中,它们需要拯救的不仅仅是自己,还有他们深爱着的人类。为了阻挠邪恶计划的征途,它们必须得将身体里潜藏的一切生物本能发挥到极致才行……In the age-old battle between cats and dogs, one crazed feline has taken things a paw too far. Kitty Galore, formerly an agent for cat spy organization MEOWS, has gone rogue and hatched a diabolical plan to not only bring her canine enemies to heel, but take down her former kitty comrades and make the world her scratching post. Faced with this unprecedented threat, cats and dogs will be forced to join forces for the first time in history in an unlikely alliance to save themselves -- and their humans.

资源名:Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010) DVDR (xvid) NL s




资源名:Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010) DVDR (xvid) NL s
