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每一场战争都有一些传奇故事。根据二战真实事件改编。   莫斯科保卫战时,刚从坦克学校毕业的尼古拉被派往战场执行“自杀式”的任务,在以一敌六的情况下,他驾驶着传奇坦克T-34,奇迹般地击毁了德军耶格尔上校的小队,但自己却遭到俘虏。到了二战末期,耶格尔为了快速训练出德国希特勒青年团的坦克新兵,逼迫集中营里的尼古拉和另外几名苏联俘虏驾驶一辆翻新的T-34作为他们训练的活靶子。在其他人都在为赴死作心里准备时,尼古拉的脑子里却浮现出了一个惊人的计划——驾驶T-34在训练中逃离德国军营。The Great Patriotic War is going on. Junior Lieutenant Nikolay Ivushkin in a small truck, along with the driver Vasya, barely survived, break away from the German tank. Ivushkin arrives at the headquarters located in the village of Nefyodovka, where he is appointed commander of the only surviving tank. Soon the tanks of the German Hauptmann Klaus Jäger arrive at the site. In battle, Ivushkin destroys the entire tank company of Yager (in a number of cases, with one projectile, two tanks at a time). However, the T-34 has serious damage, and Klaus destroys it. Ivushkin and mechanic-driver Stepan Vasilyonok were wounded and captured.
T-34坦克 蓝光原盘下载 2018 T-34 36.5G

资源名:1080p 4.8 gb t34.web-dl.1080p.elektri4ka.uniongang.mkv


文件大小:4.78 GB


资源名:1080p 4.8 gb t34.web-dl.1080p.elektri4ka.uniongang.mkv



  • www.pianbtt.com.txt(20B)
  • T34.WEB-DL.1080p.ELEKTRI4KA.UNIONGANG.mkv(4.78 GB)