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原名:掃毒2:天地對決   又名:

状态:刘德华古天乐地铁站飙车   更新:2024-01-20 07:01:57

毒品市场维持四分天下的格局已久,但自从地藏与墨西哥大毒枭跨境合作扩展势力,再加上一连串黑吃黑的动作,毒界变得风声鹤唳。另一方面,因儿时亲眼目睹父亲被毒品所毁而嫉毒如仇的慈善家兼金融巨子余顺天,正悬赏一亿歼灭香港最大毒贩,此举在社会上引起轩然大波。警员林正风本致力搜证拘捕地藏,毒贩却因巨额悬赏导致人身安全受威胁,他在执行保护毒贩的任务时深感无奈,但又被余顺天的出价所诱惑,陷入黑白正邪的心理挣扎。原来,余顺天和地藏有不可告人的同门关系,一场天地对决一触即发。There is an iron rule in the Ching Hing Gang: No drug dealing. The gang leader, Yu Nam (by Kent Cheng), has two right-hand men: one is Tin (by Andy lau), a bright and sober adherent of principles and loyalty; the other is Jizo (by Louis Koo), a cold-blooded smart man who secretly runs a drug business without Nam's knowledge. Ordered by the top leader, Tin taught Jizo a lesson by cutting off one of his fingers and expelled him from the gang. On the same night, policeman Fung (by Michael Miu)'s wife was killed in Jizo's nightclub during an operation. Meanwhile, Tin swore to change sides after his beloved girlfriend walked out of his life. 15 years later, the local drug market is now quadripartite. Jizo becomes the biggest drug dealer in Hong Kong; while Tin has now established himself as a financial tycoon and a philanthropist, and is offering a $100 million bounty to eliminate the No.1 drug dealer in Hong Kong. It causes a stir in both the society and the underworld. Inevitably, a ...



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