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原名:Something Borrowed   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:55

蕾切尔(金妮弗·古德温 Ginnifer Goodwin 饰)年近三十却依然单身,对于自己的终身大事,这位咋咋呼呼的傻大姐保持着乐观的态度,加上好闺蜜达茜(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)的陪伴,日子过得还算有滋有味。可是,一个“噩耗”的到来让蕾切尔无法继续淡定——达茜即将和男友走入婚姻的殿堂并邀请蕾切尔成为伴娘,而达茜的男友不是别人,正是蕾切尔曾经暗恋过的德克士(科林·伊格斯菲德 Colin Egglesfield 饰)。   原来,大学时代的蕾切尔对当时英俊帅气的德克士十分倾慕,可达茜的出现立刻就将德克士的目光吸引了过去,面对好友的横刀夺爱,蕾切尔也只能忍气吞声。现在,当初青涩的三人都已经长大成人,内心的情感早已不复往日的单纯。达茜的婚期将近,蕾切尔绝望的发现,自己已经无法再抑制内心里的蠢蠢欲动。Rachel is a lawyer. When she was in law school she fell for another student, Dex, who comes from an affluent family, but she was too shy to say anything. When Dex meets her best friend Darcy, who sometimes treats her like dirt, Darcy makes a move on Dex and gets him. Eventually, they get engaged and Darcy asks Rachel to be her Maid of Honor. However, Rachel still has feelings for Dex and still can't say anything. Darcy throws her a birthday party and Dex is there. When she and Dex are alone she blurts out that she had a thing for him in college which surprised him, and after drinking a little they spend the night together. They try to forget the whole thing and agree that it means nothing. Ethan, Rachel's close friend, tells her that she'll spend her entire life regretting that if she does nothing.
Something Borrowed (2011), BRRip(xvid), NL Subs, DMT

资源名:Something Borrowed (2011), BRRip(xvid), NL Subs, DMT




资源名:Something Borrowed (2011), BRRip(xvid), NL Subs, DMT
