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原名:The Purge: Anarchy   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-26 08:01:23

2023年,美国新政府所推行的“人类清除计划”迎来了第六个年头。剑走偏锋的极端政策,旨在抑制持续上升的失业率和犯罪率,在此期间却也有越来越多的无辜之人遇害,而富人们则斟好杯中酒,脑满肠肥欣赏甚至以看似高贵优雅的姿态参与一年一度的屠杀狂欢。在大屠杀即将开始之际,面临分手的情侣谢恩(Zach Gilford 饰)和莉兹(Kiele Sanchez 饰)的车在路上抛锚,他们慌乱不安地寻找藏身之地。刚刚失去最重要亲人的伊娃(Carmen Ejogo 饰)及其女儿卡莉(Zoë Soul 饰)躲在家中亦难免厄运临头,关键时刻母女被逡巡在城市巷尾的中士(弗兰克•格里罗 Frank Grillo 饰)救下,与此同时谢恩和莉兹也阴差阳错搭上了中士的车。   新仇旧恨以及对世界的各种愤懑不满,在这个夜晚集中爆发,脆弱的生命面临最惨烈的考验……A couple are driving home when their car breaks down just as the Purge commences. Meanwhile, a police sergeant goes out into the streets to get revenge on the man who killed his son, and a mother and daughter run from their home after assailants destroy it. The five people meet up as they attempt to survive the night in Los Angeles.
Uma Noite De Crime: Anarquia (2014) 1080p Dublado BRrip

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