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原名:キャプテンハーロック   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-29 09:02:29

或许过去,又或许未来,人类大规模向宇宙殖民。当人口膨胀到五千亿的时候,散落在宇宙各个角落的人类返回故土地球,却引发了伤亡惨重的归乡战争。为了保护地球这片圣地,人类制定了盖亚制裁,约定不许任何人染指这里。可是曾经作为联合舰队舰长的哈洛克(小栗旬 配音)却背叛盖亚制裁,驾驶着他的阿尔卡迪亚号高举叛旗,成为逃逸一百年之久的通缉犯。联合舰队长官伊索拉(森川智之 配音)指使自己的弟弟亚马(三浦春马 配音)混入阿尔卡迪亚号,探寻尼伯龙根人发明的永动机的秘密。在此期间,哈洛克率领船员向地球挺近,而联合舰队则在太阳系布下天罗地网阻挡他的步伐。遥远的故土,失落已久的真相,令所有人为之震惊……   本片根据松本零士的经典科幻漫画改编。2977: For many years a mighty battle has been raging across the galaxies as 500 billion humans, whose forebears were exiled from Earth, plan to return to what is still called home. Forced to flee a ravaged Earth, humans have now depleted the corners of the galaxy to which they fled. Earth has now become the most valued and precious resource of all, controlled by the corrupt Gaia Coalition which governs the human race across the different galaxies. Having been exiled and vilified during the battle of the Homecoming War, Captain Harlock and his trusted crew of the Arcadia battle cruiser are the only hope mankind has of discovering the secrets that the Gaia have kept hidden. The Coalition has demanded Harlock's death and the Gaia Fleet's new leader, Ezra, calls on his younger brother, Logan, to infiltrate the Arcadia and then assassinate Harlock, thus forever eradicating the one man standing between the Coalition and their complete control of the Universe. Logan must make a very personal sacrifice and discover that things are not always as they seem. All the while Captain Harlock and his crew will continue his mission, seeking revenge against the Coalition and establishing the return to Earth.
Space Pirate Captain Harlock 2013 BRRip XviD AC3-RARBG

资源名:Space Pirate Captain Harlock 2013 BRRip XviD AC3-RARBG




资源名:Space Pirate Captain Harlock 2013 BRRip XviD AC3-RARBG
