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导演率领拍摄组来到神秘的骷髅岛开始了一部电影的拍摄,女主角是漂亮娇小的安(娜奥米•沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰),她在纽约的演艺事业陷入了低谷,这是她时来运转的大好机会。他们乘坐轮船来到岛上,却不知在岛上即将要险象横生。   正当导演要开始开机拍摄时,他们遭到了当地土著的袭击,几个随行人员遇难身亡。摄制组慌忙逃离,幸好起航离去,却发现不见了女主角安。   原来安土著野人抓走,被当作祭品。安尖声惊叫,引来了传说中骷髅岛的猩猩——金刚的关注。金刚在岛上很有霸气,连恐龙都要忌它几分。然而,野兽爱上了美人,金刚搭救安脱离困境,不料却让自己陷入了一场悲剧。Carl Denham needs to finish his movie and has the perfect location; Skull Island. But he still needs to find a leading lady. This 'soon-to-be-unfortunate' soul is Ann Darrow. No one knows what they will encounter on this island and why it is so mysterious, but once they reach it, they will soon find out. Living on this hidden island is a giant gorilla and this beast now has Ann is its grasps. Carl and Ann's new love, Jack Driscoll must travel through the jungle looking for Kong and Ann, whilst avoiding all sorts of creatures and beasts. But Carl has another plan in mind.
King Kong (2005) BDRip BluRay 1080p dublado - derew

资源名:King Kong (2005) BDRip BluRay 1080p dublado - derew


文件大小:2.79 GB


资源名:King Kong (2005) BDRip BluRay 1080p dublado - derew


    King Kong 1080p - The Pirate Filmes

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  • King Kong 1080p - The Pirate Filmes.mp4(2.79 GB)
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  • LEIA ' www.pianbtt.coms.com.txt(799 bytes)