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作文课上,安托万(Jean-Pierre Léaud 饰)在同学传来的女人图像上涂鸦,被罚站墙角。下课后,独守教室的安托万在墙上作诗宣泄自己的不满,引得老师(Guy Decomble 饰)更加愤怒。晚上,母亲(Claire Maurier 饰)因安托万没买面粉大发雷霆, 而继父(Albert Rémy 饰)则在安托万的请求下拿出一笔钱让他吃午饭。 第二天,安托万在同桌勒内(Patrick Auffay 饰)的怂恿下逃了学,跑去看电影打游戏,还在街上看到母亲跟一个安托万不认识的男人亲吻。 第三天,安托万回到学校,慌乱中谎称母亲去世,获得了老师的原谅和疼惜。不想继父获知了他逃学的事,与母亲一起赶到学校,戳穿了他的谎言,还当着全班同学打了他两耳光。 安托万决定留下一封信离家出走。可是小小年纪的他能去哪呢?巴黎那么大,法国那么大,哪里才是他的安身之处呢?Seemingly in constant trouble at school, 14 year-old Antoine Doinel returns at the end of every day to a drab and unhappy home life. His parents have little money and he sleeps on a couch that's been pushed into the kitchen. He knows his mother is having an affair and his parents bicker constantly. He decides to skip school and begins a downward spiral of lies and later stealing. His parents are at their wits end and after he's stopped by the police, they decide the best thing to do would be to let Antoine face the consequences. He's sent to a juvenile detention facility where he doesn't do much better. He does manage to escape however.........

资源名:Quatre cents coups, LesVOB


文件大小:7.54 GB


资源名:Quatre cents coups, LesVOB
