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原名:のび太と奇迹の岛~アニマル アドベンチャー   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-29 09:02:29

炎炎夏日,为了找到所向披靡的独角仙,大雄(大原めぐみ 配音)痛哭流涕,对哆拉A梦(水田わさび 配音)软磨硬泡。无奈之下,哆拉A梦和哆拉美(千秋 配音)拿出时光圈,帮大雄在500年前的新西兰寻找独角仙,谁知却意外抓到了早已灭绝的恐鸟。为了不至于让恐鸟走向灭亡,他们决定将其送往奇迹之岛。奇迹之岛是由未来的科学家开发的专门用来收留、保护、研究灭绝动物的小岛,传说岛上有一只黄金独角仙,它可为当地的生物注入生命的力量。一波三折,大雄和小伙伴们来到了这里,并且结识了和大雄极其相像的神秘少年达凯(野沢雅子 配音)以及善良的洛科洛族。与此同时,一个黑心商人图谋抓住黄金独角仙……   本片为哆拉A梦诞生前100年的纪念之作。Nobita and Doraemon use time tree Mochi and catches a big bird Moa, which has been extinct for 500 years ago. To protect extinct the animal, Nobita and Doramon go to Beremon Island which is protected by a golden beetle named Herakles. They meet a girl from the Rokkoro tribe and a boy who looks exactly like Nobita on Beremon Island.
Doraemon In Nobita's Great Adventure In The South Seas 2011 DvDrip x264 In Hindi [350MB] [Exclusive]~~~[CooL GuY] {{a2zRG}}

资源名:Doraemon In Nobita's Great Adventure In The South Seas 2011 DvDrip x264 In Hindi [350MB] [Exclusive]~~~[CooL GuY] {{a2zRG}}




资源名:Doraemon In Nobita's Great Adventure In The South Seas 2011 DvDrip x264 In Hindi [350MB] [Exclusive]~~~[CooL GuY] {{a2zRG}}
