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讲述在纽约的华盛顿高地,杂货店老板Usnavi在继承了祖母的财产后,将要关掉店铺回到家乡多米尼加共和国过退休生活,对此他百感交集,而拉美裔社区和那里居民的吸引力让他停下来思考。影片围绕Usnavi、一名大学生、一名出租车司机、一位美容院员工和一个渴望更好生活的老妇人展开,随着中产阶级化开始扎根,闷热夏天中,一场停电让个人危机达到前所未有的高度。A young woman in the midst of a terror laden nightmare begins to realize she is trapped in her own subconscious. Waking up provides no solace, but rather submerges her deeper into her darkest fears; the only way she can escape one nightmare is to find herself in the middle of another. Everything she ever held safe, from her home to her face, has become a stranger. There is no way out. By the story's end, she learns the disturbing truth that the horrors which await her when she wakes are far more demonic than anything she could ever dream. waking up is only the beginning.
The Heights AU S01E23 HDTV x264-CCT

资源名:The Heights AU S01E23 HDTV x264-CCT




资源名:The Heights AU S01E23 HDTV x264-CCT
