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原名:三国之见龙卸甲   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-26 08:01:23

三国乱世,战火纷争。面对魏军强势压境,初任工兵的赵云(刘德华 饰)主动请缨,借助军师诸葛亮(濮存昕 饰)以攻为守的策略,立下劫寨扰敌的大功。随后的长坂坡一战,赵云单枪匹马杀入曹营救回幼主,从而一战成名。随后并被委以重任与黄忠老将军一起出征定军山,收取汉中,奠定蜀国基业。不过此役,由于黄忠心急想争头功提前出兵,却中了曹操的奸计伤亡惨重。危机之时,赵云及时赶到救出了黄忠和罗平安(洪金宝 饰),并在诸葛亮妙计的帮助下,烧掉曹军粮草扭转战局立下大功。赵云也因此荣升五虎上将,而身为同乡兄长的罗平安心中却是百般滋味。时间就在战争中飞逝而过,蜀国的五虎大将也先后辞世。在诸葛亮的再一次灭魏大计前,赵云坚持做先锋大将,却在凤鸣山前遇上曹操10万大军,面对人生的终极之战,赵云该如何应对?His country torn asunder by civil war, Zhao Zilong, a common man heeds the call of duty and from the humblest of roots rises through the ranks on wings of courage and cunning to command an army charged with liberating the land from an evil warlord. Inspiring by action, honor and a dream of unifying his divided nation, Zhao Zilong's heroism becomes legend, but as the years pass and the throne changes hands the war still rages on. When a newly enthroned king decides peace can only be achieved by defeating the warlords once and for all, the aging Zhao Zilong embarks on his final and greatest campaign, a road to adventure that will crown his name in glory for all time.

资源名:three kingdoms resurrection of the dragon 三國之見龍卸甲




资源名:three kingdoms resurrection of the dragon 三國之見龍卸甲
