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为了培养出忠实效忠于成人、在逆境中坚忍不拔的青少年一代,日本政府出台《BR》法案。每年都从全国学校随机抽出一个班级的同学,前往荒岛进行生存极限挑战——老师发给学生地图、粮食和各式武器,令他们自相残杀,直到存活下来的最后一个,才能离开荒岛。接下来,残酷的游戏规则和令人绝望的生存条件,使班级里的年轻人开始了相互杀戮。善良或者凶残,主动出击或者被动防守, 同学们开始了各自的计划,人性的丑恶在血腥的死亡中暴露无遗。   大逃杀的游戏在荒岛上壮烈上演。究竟学生们的宿命如何,谁才是最后的存活者。Forty-two students, three days, one deserted Island: welcome to Battle Royale. A group of ninth-grade students from a Japanese high school have been forced by legislation to compete in a Battle Royale. The students are sent off to kill each other in a no-holds-barred game to the death, until one survives -- or they all die. Some decide to play the game like the psychotic Kiriyama or the sexual Mitsuko, while others are trying to find a way to get off the Island without violence. However, as the numbers dwindle is there any way for Shuya and his classmates to survive?
Battle Royale Directors Cut (2000) Full DVD-9 Nordic. DK-FI-NO-S

资源名:Battle Royale Directors Cut (2000) Full DVD-9 Nordic. DK-FI-NO-S




资源名:Battle Royale Directors Cut (2000) Full DVD-9 Nordic. DK-FI-NO-S
